Wednesday, April 28, 2010

10 Steps for Children

This is what the children are saying:

“I’m going to help the earth by recycling more and planting trees.”

“The first thing I will do is to help my family save water.”
“I am extremely happy to be in the 10 Steps Program because I love and care for the world.”

“I will try to help you, but I can’t promise that everybody will help… I will tell my friends and family about your blog!”

“I will try to make people participate. I just LOVE this idea.”

“Our planet really needs help and I appreciate that you care about it.”

“”The first thing I’ll do when I leave the school is that I’m gonna recycle more and use less energy.”

“I love this idea, I always liked the idea of helping the planet. Now I have the opportunity.”

“I eat fruits and vegetables from my farm, we have lots of trees and flowers. I really like thinking that I can do a part by helping the world.!”

“I always thurn off the television when it’s not in use.”

“And yes, I’ll use less make-up, cause it uses petroleum! It will be fun being a more ‘green’ person.”

“The first thing I did to reduce the plastic bags I use was to buy cloth bags so I can re-use them.”

“Ways I will help: 1. shorter showers; 2. share ‘going green’ with others; 3. Go blue, also help save water; 4. avoid plastic cups; 5. dance the RE-USE RE-DUCE AND RECYCLE! jingle; 6. make earth day a daily habit.”

“This weekend I talked to my parents about the 10 Step CAP!!!”

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Walking for the Climate - Saturday, April 24

Once again we will be walking for the Earth's Climate, for all our grandchildren, for the animals, and for all the vulnerable people who are first in line to suffer the consequences of the Climate Instability. Everyone is invited to join the walk for the whole 6.7 miles or for any portion of it.

A new group, Gas Truth, convened to deal with the calamitous threat to groundwater in many parts of PA and elsewhere, due to the Marcellus Shale drilling, will walk with the Climate Walkers organized by Greta.

We will meet at 10 am this Saturday, April 24, at 5th and Hamilton Streets in Allentown. Our route will take us along Hamilton, Hanover, W. Broad, Main, and Church Streets, then down across the New Street Bridge to South Bethlehem. We will end at the Wildflower Cafe around 1:00 pm, still in time to enjoy the festive spirit of Spring on 4th and the annual Chili Contest - Wildflower's Michelle makes a great vegan version.

The Official Launching of the 10StepCAP will occur soon after we arrive at the Wildflower Cafe. It would be wonderful to have many 10StepCAP members present. We now have 25 members, 16 of whom are from the Lehigh Valley. The others are: Massachusetts, 1; Texas, 4; New Mexico, 2; and Brazil, 2. Hopefully there will be others soon as this is the week we go public and at least two of our members have sent out notices to their contacts. I hope to put the Program out on Facebook yet this weekend.

For the Earth,


Friday, April 9, 2010

A new website for 10StepCAP

I have created a website for 10StepCAP in anticipation of going public on April 24th during an Earth Day event here in Bethlehem. The website is still under construction and open to creative suggestions. Please check it out at There's a blog on the site - leave a comment if you have time.

Thanks, Greta