Sunday, November 1, 2009

We're growing

Today a surprise guest came to my door as Guy and I were eating our dinner - vegetable curry over brown rice. Gary lives just a few doors from us, and we've met him before, once or twice. He stopped to turn in his signup form for 10-step CAP, which he'd found out about at the Wildflower Cafe. He joined us for supper and we had a delightful conversation with him. He recommended two books that I'll try to read soon: No Impact, about a couple that lived a very low-impact life in New York City; and Better Off, about a couple that lived on a Mennonite farm in the mid-west.

I think 10-step CAP is going to grow quickly now, and I encourage you to help recruit more people, not in a large way, not through the public realm of Facebook or the like, but from among your immediate friends and family.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New signees - now there are a dozen of us

Over the 350-action-day weekend three new people signed on to the 10stepCAP:

KH - Allentown, PA
EH - "
JV - Bethlehem, PA

And today I recieved the first mail-in signup from:

MW - Kintnersville, PA

This brings us to a total of 12 people who are willing to participate in this effort to curb our joint addiction to carbon.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tomorrow's a big day

Tomorrow is the International Day of Climate Action. The Climate Walkers who helped me complete my Climate Walk from New Orleans to the Canadian border have organized with me a Walk from Allentown to Bethlehem as our participation in this important day that purports to show the world the significance or the number 350.

I hope to have some people signing up for the 10StepCAP tomorrow and then again on Sunday when I will be speaking at Lepoco, our local Peace Center, about my trip. So check back for the good news on Monday.

In the meantime, I'm pleased to record one more signee: GG in Bethlehem. He is our 8th member.

Monday, October 19, 2009

From Sofia (posted as a comment):

Okay, I thought I'd share some of the ways that my lifestyle right now are earth-friendly.

1. I don't own a car.
2. The apartment I moved into has an A/C, but I don't use it.
3. I don't own a microwave.
4. I have a very small refrigerator.
5. I don't have a dryer (I hang my clothes to dry).
6. I am more aware than ever of turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use.
7. I use reuse plastic grocery bags.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

4 new signers

Today three more people signed on:

SH from Brazil
ZH from the Boston area
SS from Coopersburg, PA
NB from Texas

Now there are seven of us. My question at this time is whether to use first names, first and last names or just initials. TC said he was comfortable with having his name out there. What about the rest of you?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2 more signees plus great sharing

Today brought in two more signatures for the 10-Step CAP:
2. TC - Bethlehem, PA
3. GB - Bethlehem, PA

As the organizer of the Program, I, Greta, was challenged today to sign on - as a role model, and "why would you ask others to sign on if you don't?" For some reason, I'd thought I'd wait for five or ten people to join - I guess I think it's so important that I wanted others to have the privilege of being first. But I am now number 3, and I challenge you to add your signature to the growing list.

I have an amazing document from #2, TC, listing 16 ways in which he has reduced his Carbon footprint since 2002. This fulfills Step # 9: I agree to inform CAP of my progress for the sake of the public effort. A brief summary follows:

1. 2002 - bought shares in progressive Solar company.
2. 2003 - became a vegetarian.
3. Increased recycling, separating trash into all components, including Styrofoam.
4. 3 yrs ago - began keeping organic trash separate, and taking it to the compost center.
5. 3 yrs ago - started saving all plastic bags, wrap and miscellaneous plastic to take to a market that recycles them.
6. 2 yrs ago - started buying only organic safe cleaning products for laundry and cleaning.
7. 2 yrs ago - changed all light bulbs to compact fluorescent.
8. 2 yrs ago - bought a bicycle, really started using it this year.
9. Joined the Coalition for Appropriate Transportation (CAT), was certified in Road One, and increased use of public transportation.
10. 2 yrs ago - went on strenuous diet, lost 70 lbs. Bought only used clothes from thrift stores. When buying new, purchases only Fair Trade certified goods.
11. 1 yr ago - started unplugging electrical appliances and computer when not in use. When out of town, only refrigerator left on.
12. 1 yr ago - stopped buying bottled water. Uses eco-friendly container with a wedge of lemon and Stevia to make water more palatable.
13. This past winter - turned down thermostat, resulting in 20-30% fuel savings.
14. Adopted water-saving practice "When using toilet, if it's yellow let it stand, if it's brown flush it down."
15. No air conditioner this summer, reducing kilowatt consumption by 50%.
16. Drive 11 yr-old SUV on when necessary, consolidating errands, filling with more people on long trips. Change oil every 3000 miles, maintain proper air pressure. Drive at 60-65 mph. Refuse to buy gas from companies with horrible environmental records, preferring Citgo. Will buy electric or hybrid vehicle when able, or go without car.

Congratulations! What a role model for all of us. Thank you, TC -we need to hear from each other.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First signer

It's official: our first participant has signed on!

1. E.B., from Brazil

Go to the Climate Walk website - - to join this exciting initiative. As more participants join we will plan a website just for the 10-Step Carbon Addiction Program. The trial stage will be complete when we have 100 signees, a website, and more complete materials and procedures for participants to work with. Your suggestions will be crucial during this initial phase.

Get on board as part of the Organizing Team (the Board of Directors, the Steering Committee, or whatever we call it). Let Greta - - know if you're willing to help direct the Program as it develops.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Launch - September 14, 2009

Today we are launching the trial stage of a 10-Step Carbon Addiction Program.

This blog will be a place where participants can post their results and actions, and contribute comments and suggestions.