2. TC - Bethlehem, PA
3. GB - Bethlehem, PA
As the organizer of the Program, I, Greta, was challenged today to sign on - as a role model, and "why would you ask others to sign on if you don't?" For some reason, I'd thought I'd wait for five or ten people to join - I guess I think it's so important that I wanted others to have the privilege of being first. But I am now number 3, and I challenge you to add your signature to the growing list.
I have an amazing document from #2, TC, listing 16 ways in which he has reduced his Carbon footprint since 2002. This fulfills Step # 9: I agree to inform CAP of my progress for the sake of the public effort. A brief summary follows:
1. 2002 - bought shares in progressive Solar company.
2. 2003 - became a vegetarian.
3. Increased recycling, separating trash into all components, including Styrofoam.
4. 3 yrs ago - began keeping organic trash separate, and taking it to the compost center.
5. 3 yrs ago - started saving all plastic bags, wrap and miscellaneous plastic to take to a market that recycles them.
6. 2 yrs ago - started buying only organic safe cleaning products for laundry and cleaning.
7. 2 yrs ago - changed all light bulbs to compact fluorescent.
8. 2 yrs ago - bought a bicycle, really started using it this year.
9. Joined the Coalition for Appropriate Transportation (CAT), was certified in Road One, and increased use of public transportation.
10. 2 yrs ago - went on strenuous diet, lost 70 lbs. Bought only used clothes from thrift stores. When buying new, purchases only Fair Trade certified goods.
11. 1 yr ago - started unplugging electrical appliances and computer when not in use. When out of town, only refrigerator left on.
12. 1 yr ago - stopped buying bottled water. Uses eco-friendly container with a wedge of lemon and Stevia to make water more palatable.
13. This past winter - turned down thermostat, resulting in 20-30% fuel savings.
14. Adopted water-saving practice "When using toilet, if it's yellow let it stand, if it's brown flush it down."
15. No air conditioner this summer, reducing kilowatt consumption by 50%.
16. Drive 11 yr-old SUV on when necessary, consolidating errands, filling with more people on long trips. Change oil every 3000 miles, maintain proper air pressure. Drive at 60-65 mph. Refuse to buy gas from companies with horrible environmental records, preferring Citgo. Will buy electric or hybrid vehicle when able, or go without car.
Congratulations! What a role model for all of us. Thank you, TC -we need to hear from each other.
1 comment:
That's impressive TC!
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