Thursday, May 27, 2010

Action for Month of June

The 10StepCAP focus for the month of June will be WATER, and to deal with our sadness and devastation about the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill we will organize Water Soundings as our action for the month. The instructions below are posted on the official website.

Organize a Water Sounding
Register it as an event on the Blog and/or on Facebook 10StepCAP Group   
How to organize a Water Sounding: Gather friends, family, neighbors, and strangers, in a circle by a natural body of water. Open with words of welcome, a poem or other reading. Speak of the water and center yourselves in the space and moment. Listen in silence to the water and its surroundings. The silence may be longer or shorter as you wish, but don't short-change yourselves. If you have time, you may scatter and each person may spend some time writing or drawing, or making nature art in any way they wish. Come back together to share your reflections and images. You may use any props you have - bells, sage, cloths - but all you really need is yourselves. 
It would be desirable to avoid using gas powered vehicles to go to the Sounding, If possible, walk, bike, canoe or skate. Taking the bus beats driving. But you know what you must do - simply pay attention.

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